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privacy policy

AVIDM is committed to respecting your privacy. The following Privacy Policy is intended to inform you of the practices adopted by AVIDM Inc. ("AVIDM") with respect to the collection and use of personal information in a transparent manner. AVIDM" with respect to the transparent collection and use of personal information.

Delorimier & Rosemont

514 721 4946


 514 728 8191

Policy on the Collection and Protection of Personal Information

AVIDM collects and uses various personal information from clients and other individuals (hereinafter referred to as "data subjects").


Collection and Use of Personal Information

In particular, AVIDM may collect and retain personal information such as name, first name, contact details (postal and email addresses, phone number), date of birth, and information related to payments made. AVIDM only collects personal information necessary for the purposes described below.

Types of Personal Information

AVIDM collects personal information for various purposes. It may collect personal information in order to (i) transmit requested information to the data subject, (ii) subscribe the data subject to a mailing list upon request (including, notably, modifying subscription settings and removing the data subject's name from the mailing list), (iii) notify about the holding of a contest, or (iv) comply with the law. AVIDM may also collect personal information to better understand the profile of data subjects so that the information they receive is relevant, or to personalize the current website to better meet the needs of data subjects.

The quantity and type of personal information collected are limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are collected and are collected from the data subject. However, this information may also be collected from third parties when permitted by law.

Collection of Personal Information

AVIDM uses the personal information collected for purposes such as providing services requested by the data subject, transmitting requested information, sending communications (newsletters, commercial offers), conducting contests and awarding prizes to winners, or complying with legal and regulatory obligations, as applicable. AVIDM may use personal information for other purposes communicated, notably at the time of collection.

Use of Collected Personal Information

Subject to the exceptions described below, AVIDM does not disclose, communicate, or sell personal information for purposes other than those stated in this notice, unless the data subject consents or unless permitted by law.

Personal information (electronic or otherwise) collected by AVIDM is not disclosed to anyone except to AVIDM representatives, its service providers, or agents for whom this information is necessary for the performance of their duties or the execution of their contract or mandate. For example, this may include hosting or data management services, market analysis.

For these purposes, AVIDM or the third-party service provider may store and process your personal information on servers or computers located outside Canada. Additionally, even if your personal information is stored in Canada, AVIDM representatives or service providers may need to access or process your personal information from locations outside Canada. Some of these locations outside Canada may be subject to privacy laws or standards that differ from those in effect in Quebec. Thus, in certain circumstances, your personal information may be disclosed to government or law enforcement agencies that would not otherwise have access to your personal information if it were stored in Canada or if it were not accessible from a location outside Canada.

Additionally, AVIDM may disclose, communicate, or sell personal information to the extent permitted or required by law, including under court orders, or when necessary to establish or exercise legal claims or defend against legal claims.

Communication of Personal Information

Even if the data subject can visit the current website (the "Site") without telling AVIDM who they are and without revealing any information about themselves, accessing the Site automatically involves an exchange of information between the data subject's computer and AVIDM's server. This exchange of information does not allow AVIDM to identify the data subject, their name, or their email address. However, this exchange notably allows AVIDM to obtain the internet domain name that the data subject used to access the Site, the data subject's IP address, the type of browser and operating system used by the data subject to access the Site, the date and time at which the data subject accessed the Site, the pages visited by the data subject, and, if the data subject reached the Site from another site, the address of that site (referring site).

It is through cookies that AVIDM's website operating system can automatically collect this information about the data subject's visit to the Site. Cookies are small pieces of information stored by the data subject's internet browser on the hard drive of their computer, which allow AVIDM to recognize the data subject when they access its Site. When the data subject browses the internet, a cookie is used for the purposes described above. If the data subject does not want information about their visit to be collected by AVIDM, they can, at their sole discretion, configure their browser to be notified when they receive a cookie or to prevent the sending of such cookies.

This information is used by AVIDM for advertising purposes and to measure the number of visits by visitors to the Site as well as the different pages they view, the average time visitors spend on the Site, and to establish other statistics about visitors to the Site in general. This information also allows AVIDM to verify the performance of the Site, for system administration purposes, to make the Site easier and more convenient to use, and to report certain information, processed in aggregate, to AVIDM representatives for whom the transmission of this information is necessary for the performance of their duties.

Cookies and IP Addresses

AVIDM has implemented measures to ensure the protection of personal information in its custody, notably against theft, loss, unauthorized access, use, and communication, through reasonable technical, administrative, or physical security measures, taking into account, notably, their sensitivity, the purpose of their use, their quantity, their distribution, and their medium. The level of protection provided will therefore vary depending on the personal information. Thus, among other measures, when appropriate, AVIDM uses encryption or authentication tools, or both, as well as other methods to protect certain personal information originating from the internet and stored on its servers. Additionally, online access by a data subject to certain personal information may be protected by a username or password chosen by the data subject. AVIDM strongly advises data subjects not to disclose their username and password to anyone. AVIDM never requests a data subject's password in an unsolicited message. Finally, the data subject acknowledges and accepts that the emails that the visitor sends to AVIDM are not necessarily secure before reaching AVIDM's servers.



The data subject may access the personal information they have provided to AVIDM and notify AVIDM to update it, as well as request to modify or delete certain information collected by AVIDM, by sending an email to or by replying to messages sent to them due to their subscription to AVIDM's mailing list.

Likewise, the data subject may request to be removed from a subscription to AVIDM's mailing list.

For any questions regarding the protection of your personal information, please contact our team at

Responsable de la vie privé pour AVIDM inc: 

David Quirion

514 721 4946


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Delorimier & Rosemont

514 721 4946


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privacy policy

AVIDM is committed to respecting your privacy. The following Privacy Policy is intended to inform you of the practices adopted by AVIDM Inc. ("AVIDM") with respect to the collection and use of personal information in a transparent manner. AVIDM" with respect to the transparent collection and use of personal information.





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privacy policy

AVIDM is committed to respecting your privacy. The following Privacy Policy is intended to inform you of the practices adopted by AVIDM Inc. ("AVIDM") with respect to the collection and use of personal information in a transparent manner. AVIDM" with respect to the transparent collection and use of personal information.

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